November 16, 2009

Shelves, How I Love Thee

Being a collector is one of the most difficult hobbies to get into. Depending on the subject that's being collected, it can often lead to empyting of one's piggybank. Not to mention, space can be sparse which can make for a rather unorganized collection. Proper shelving units can usually fix this problem, but usually requires you to spend a pretty penny.

Friends, faith is not to be lost. Thanks to IKEA, we were able to find a couple of shelves suitable for some of Jesse's collection. It's affordable, semi-sturdy, and simple--like how all furnitures should be. Of course, we weren't able to fit everything, but we put away a good amount of DVDs, books, and some vinyl toys. Being a collector myself, I know that sense of reward that overcomes you when you see the result of your labors (in this case putting up the shelves and seeing the most awesome DVD collection known to earth). You can't help but look at it every night before you sleep.

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