April 8, 2010

Get Your Snuggie On

My mom remembers where she was when Kennedy was shot. My dad can relive what he was doing when Lance Armstrong rode his bike on the moon and Neil Armstrong won the Tour De France like 27 times in a row with one testicle. And now, I will forever be able to retell of the night Angel Stadium set the Guinness World Record for largest gathering of people wearing Snuggie's.

That's right loyal blog followers, Tuesday night Bryan Bello, myself and 43,508 other warmly clad Angels fans set that very record and will forever be etched in the history books.

Currently I am attempted to set the record for largest gathering of bloggers titled jestDMS blogging about Snuggie donning world records. Anyone know the number to the Guinness factory in Dublin? Do you think they'll bring me a six pack with them if I ask nicely?

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