April 20, 2010

Damn Preppies, Stealing My Internets!

You can have Pearl Harbor Japan, we got the internets. So ha!

So some random, useless group called Akamai Technologies decided to waste a whole lot of time to figure out where the fastest internets are. Good news America. The first three exits off the information super highway are in the grand 'ol U S and A.

Those three spots are Berkeley, California (average speed: 18.7Mbps), Chapel Hill, North Carolina (average speed: 17.5Mbps), and Stanford, California (average speed: 17.0Mbps). A closer look at those hotspots, along with number 8 on the list: Durham, North Carolina (average speed: 13.6Mbps), has led me to conclude that these private school yuppies possess an extensive knowledge of maximizing hyper speed internet connections. Either that or they're too busy experimenting with prescription drugs and drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon beer rather than clogging up the interweb connection.

FYI: Chapel Hill and Durham are home to the University of North Carolina and Duke University, respectively.

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