October 26, 2009

Halloween Week is Nigh

I'll be posting Halloween oriented stuff this week.

First up, the greatest Halloween song ever. The Monster Mash by Bobby 'Boris' Pickett. I don't remember a single Halloween of my childhood that the radio waves weren't bombarded with this classic hit.

I'm posting two different videos of this song cause they're both equally awesome. Neither are the original but how could I not post the Groovie Goolies version that aired on Saturday morning cartoons for like 20+ years. Too bad America's youth developed the shortest attention spans ever and classic animation was replaced by the likes of the Teletubbies and Power Rangers. Side game: if any one of you can tell me WTF was going on in either of those two shows I'll give you $5 (wikipedia-esque answers will not be accepted)

The other video was made by some random internet personality called Captain Bulldog and was posted on his youtube channel. It's a stop motion (with minor animation) video made entirely with Lego people.


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